
The Design Process of a Holistic Health Application

Project Overview

The need for Olive came from a friend named Rue who was diagnosed with chronic migraines and debilitating stress and anxiety.

Rue needed a better way to manage her health in a way that took into account her whole body including her mental and physical well-being.

Olive was born to help people bridge the gap between their physical and mental health to achieve an improved quality of life.


UX / UI design, research, and testing of the Olive app from conception to delivery

  • Competitive Analysis

  • User Research & Interviews

  • Persona Creation

  • Defining User Flows

  • Information Architecture

  • Paper & Digital Wire Frames

  • Low - High Fidelity Prototypes

  • Conducting Usability Studies

  • Iterating On Design



6 months


  • Figma

  • Figjam

  • Miro

  • Excel

  • Pen & paper

The Problem

Users require a dependable resource to effectively manage their health, establish lasting habits, and find reliable holistic health information.

User Research

  • Three participants were selected based on their interests and motivation in physical / mental health

  • Responses were analyzed utilizing affinity mapping to categorize and group findings

User Interviews

User Frustrations

  • Difficulty setting new health habits

  • Finding reliable health information

  • Lack of access to holistic health information / products

  • Accessible research-backed holistic health information

  • Ways to use schedules and reminders to keep up with health habits and routines

  • Ways to track health symptoms & outcomes in order to see what really works for the user

User Needs

User Personas

Developed from research findings in order to keep the wants and needs of users like Rue front of mind throughout the design process.

User Stories - Flows - Wireframes

  1. User Stories were created to layout essential tasks users like Rue would want and need to complete with the application

  2. These stories were then further broken down into user flows to outline the exact steps a user would take to complete each task

  3. Once the flows were finalized, they were used to develop the initial low-fidelity and mid-fidelity wireframes for each task for our initial screen layout

As someone with frequent back pain, I want to be able to track my pain levels vs. what I am using so I can see what helps my pain the most.

User Story

User Flow


As someone who wants to support my health naturally, I want to find holistic remedies specifically for my chronic back pain, so that I can avoid taking pharmaceutical medications.

User Story

User Flow


Usability Testing

  1. Study Type: Moderated In-Person

  2. Version Tested: Mobile

  3. Program Used: Figma

  4. Equipment: Personal Mobile Device, Video & Audio Recording

  5. Participant Number: 6

Study Type & Participants

  1. Evaluate the overall usability of the Olive App

    • Log-in

    • Sign-up

    • Completion of specific tasks

  2. Assess the efficiency of the navigation structure & ability for users to find and interact with features

    • sign-up/in

    • onboarding

    • creation of health goals

    • tracking of health symptoms

    • Finding & saving holistic remedies

Goals of Testing

Affinity Mapping

Rainbow Spreadsheet

Problems & Solutions Identified

Design Language

Next Steps

Conduct Another Round of High-Fidelity Usability Testing

Another round of usability testing would be required in order to identify further areas of improvement and user research-backed evidence to fine tune the design.

In the next round of testing, I would focus specifically on key features including the goal setting feature, calendar feature, and mindfulness features in order to optimize these experiences for the users.

Build a Community Feature for Health & Well-Being

A feature that would allow users to connect with one another, share health questions / answers, and improve mental health among all members.

Hand - Off to Production

Prepare a good hand-off for the production team to help expedite the development process.

Lessons Learned

I learned the importance of balance when it comes to project requirements and the needs of the users throughout the design process.

I found the best way to maintain balance between the two included iterating designs quickly in order to complete frequent user testing throughout the process.

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